Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Holy Hell
Holy Hell!
...get ready for this
Summer Trip
summer trip
here are the two best ones Charle's and I found a while back<emplate=details&templateId=68&pageId=220&search=details
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
summer trip yo
place 1:<emplate=details&templateId=68&pageId=220&search=details
place 2:<emplate=details&templateId=68&pageId=220&search=details
place 3:
Gunther Video and Misc.
Here is "Gunther's" biggest hit song! Lol. Some funny shit. Gunther is a total weird ass. I love his mullet. The combination of random hot half-naked chicks singing and dancing around and the pedophile looking dude is hilarious.
Also to everyone please not that this is the last day to vote for the joke contest! Winner recieves a prize. (Unless it is me) lol
YouTubing Finds
-Mike Out-
5th Person
Many Happy Returns
I will share with you an exert from a letter, dangerously recovered from a rara avis liger,
This exert leads me, an magnanimous crack addict, to the conclusion the Mike may be returning to the sylvan abode very soon. Will he be pleased with the work that has been done in the past month, or will your efforts prove to be a worthless gimcrack? I believe he also is interested in remuneration for his monetary burden from materials, as many have been indolent in this particular credit-line.
Post Script - All that the verbiage says is that I'll be back and I want my crack whores, money, and blow.
Post Post Script - I apologize in advance for an spelling and/or grammatical issues that are apparent.
Stabbin' Cabin?!

Place where you take a young lady (i.e. your crib) to do the nasty.
"She was all over my wood, so I took her back to the stabbin' cabin!"
n. Any creepy ass shack that you find way out in the middle of the woods that is probably used by some hillbilly for murdering people, raping women, or as a crystal meth lab.
Man, you can't go any where in the woods in New Hampshire without running across a fuckin' stabin' cabin.
A late 70's early 80's Dodge van used by so called "Mojado's" to shag their sancha in
Moose: Whers Jesse?Ferret: Oh he's on lunch. Probly in his stabbin cabin Bangin tonyaMoose: Aye Tal!!!
A secondary residence, kept secret from one's spouse, used for extramarital sexual encounters.
Tony lives in the suburbs with his wife but uses a small apartment in the city as a stabbin' cabin when he wants to have sex with his 19 year old filpino girlfriend.
Some Random Videos Labeled "BAMF 2"
Random Girl Going Down a Hill
Kid Jumping Into Pool From a Swinging Rope
Stupid Warcraft Video You Cannot Even See What is Going On
They are stupid. I was just bored.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Bat Cave
Stay Trill or Kill.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Bat Cave!
Saturday in a Nutshell
We have CARPET IN, THE COUCH IN, AND THE NIGHT STANDS AND LAMPS IN!! I don't know about you but I think this is pretty exciting! We are starting the interior design portion of the cabin which is essentially the best part.
We were able to watch the first movie out in BAMF. The construction crew finally got the opportunity to relax after the 12 hour day. It was quite comfortable.
I am sorry for leaving everyone who can not see it in the dark on what it looks like. I will be sure to snap some pictures tomorrow before departing for school of how far we got. There is a lot of work ahead of us still, but the worst is certainly behind us.
Keep checking back tomorrow if you want to actually SEE some pictures. I will have them up by the evening.
Have a lovely night/day,
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday in a Nutshell
We have crazy amounts of shit to do tommorow. For all those who want to help, we will BEGIN construction at noon. I hope that we can get a faster start on things compared to how we have been! Anywhos, make sure you are here AT 12 if you can make it. If you can come anytime later that is fine as well. The more the merrier.
What we have to do tommorow.
1. Seal up the cabin, get those triangle pieces at the ends in.
2. Build the stairs.
3. Paint
4. Carpet.
5. Move in.
Maybe if we get far enough we can stop earlier and watch a movie INSIDE.
What We Accomplished Today...
I wanted to mention also that we have 900 page impressions!! Thats sweet! Once we hit 1000 we should do something exciting. Some people play fair when racing to 1000, others cheat. (CORY cough) Anyways, now that everyone has NO idea what I am talking about...
Looks like the joke contest is some tight competition. Keep encouraging others to vote.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Toaster Oven
Just wanted to tell those involved in construction that I found a free toaster oven in Blufton. We will have to pick it up this weekend sometime! I have the dude's cell number so we will just have to call him!
Winning Joke For Contest!
Before leaving he says to the sales clerk, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how old do you think I am?"
"About 35," was the reply.
"I'm actually 47," the man says happily.
A little while later he goes to McDonald's for lunch and asks the order taker the same question, to which the reply is, "I'd guess that you're 29?"
"Nope, I am actually 47." He's starting to feel really good about himself.
While standing at the bus stop he asks an old woman the same question.
She replies, "I am 85 years old and my eyesight is going. But when I was young there was a sure way of telling a man's age. If I put my hand down your pants and play with your penis for ten minutes I will be able to tell your exact age."
As there was no one else around the man thought what the hell and let her slip her hand down his pants.
Ten minutes later the old lady says, "OK, it's done. You are 47,"
Stunned the man says, "That was brilliant! How did you do that?"
The old lady replies, "I was behind you in McDonald's".
Joking Contest
One day, while the old man is away from his desk, the young man yields to temptation and scarfs down over half of the contents of the jar. When the old man returns, the young man feels guilty and confesses to his crime.
"Don't worry, son. I never eat the peanuts anyway," the old man replies. "Since I lost my teeth, all I can do is gum chocolate off the M&M's."
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Joke Contest
A man went over to his girl's place for a little bit of nookie between the sheets. He presented her with three choices of condom -- gold, silver, or bronze.
"Silver," she said.
"Why not gold?"
"Because I want you to come second for once!"
Please have your jokes in by tommorow (Wednesday) at midnight. Polls open for voting by the public at 12.01AM
Joke Contest
Just wanted to tell everyone HAPPY EARTH DAY!!! As you know, without the Earth, Bamf would not exist. In fact, nothing would really exist! Now that I think about it, why isn't this a bigger holiday? As mentioned in an earlier post, the Bamf blog is going green this week!
Also, to everyone who reads this (not necessarily the contributors) please consider donating five bucks to help us fund our cabin! In staying with the green theme---hey, money is green!!!!
Just wanted to also mention that we have 666 page impressions today. A little creepy I must say. Please keep coming back and help us get to 1000 page impressions by the end of the week!!!
To fill in some 'down time' till the weekend, I'm not sure if I will get enough participation for this but I want all the contributors to submit a joke. Label your joke 'Joke for contest' and sign your name at the bottom. I then will either personally judge your joke myself, or put a poll up for people to vote. If I put up a poll then I will also post a joke. For those who already submitted a joke, please submit another one. Also, please do not use the same joke. (sorry). Again, YOUR PARTICIPATION IS NECESSARY for this to work. We have Cory, Charles, Mike, Clete, Tim, Kelsey, and myself. That is seven jokes to put up. Make sure you find a good one. Please submit as quickly as possible, because we will soon have to focus once again on BAMF.
Welcome Pimpmost
Also to Clete, that sounds like some key stuff also.
I AM coming home this weekend so we will be able to work on it!!!!
Playboy Magazine
Cat post.
Interior Design
Monday, April 21, 2008
Going Green for the Enviroment!!!!
Enviromentally Friendly,
American Gangster
Update of WEEKEND 2
As 'postmaster general' I am sorry for leaving everyone who checks this blog hanging on how BAMF 2 is doing. After a 13-hour workday Saturday, we got a lot done.
The structure of the roof is UP. The roof is very strong and is supported by many large supports. The best part of the roofing project is that we have most of the shingles on the roof! At least now the inside can dry up for interior work such as carpeting and furniture insertion.
We also inserted a small window courtesy of Tim. Thanks Tim. haha. The window faced the back of the cabin for a beautiful look into the back country.
Today I found out that we have a GUARANTEED couch actually!!!!! The best part of the deal--it is free!!!! Thanks you to CHARLES KOCH for providing Bamf with its first piece of furniture.
-So many things to talk about-
TO ALL WRITERS ON THIS BLOG...We need more help writing on here! Please keep coming back and posting to keep up the hype. If you want to see the stats on this-we are now receiving like 20 individual hits per day compared to when we first started with like 80-100. It is hard for people to find our Blog when it has not been updated for awhile. The website list Blogs first that have been updated most recently.
I THINK I will be coming home next weekend...with finals week coming up rapidly for UT, it may be hard to find some time. Who knows though. I can do most of my shit during this week.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
What the Deuce?
Who the deuce would vote 1 on coolness of BAMF? I totally back up what Cory said. Also, I wanted to add that when all your friends talk about how amazing their BAMF experience was (whether you go or not) your conscience eats at you like a parasite.
Happy Day's,
PS. Work day tommorow at 12 PM for anyone other than Charles and Nate who can make it. Your help would be rather key. It will go extremely late so anytime is good.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Day 1, Weekend 2
Just wanted to give you all the update on what we got done tonight for those who could not make it. We got all the walls up, they still just need secured more. We also got the frame done for what will be the inside of the roof. Charles has gotten his hands on some wood so we can really take off after that.
TO ADDRESS ALL FOR SATURDAY: We need all the help we can get Friday. WE ARE PLANNING ON FINISHING BAMF 2 BY SATURDAY NIGHT. To achieve this goal, we need help. What do I mean by finished? Here are the goals I would like to see done.
1. Windows/Doors in place
2. Stairway built and in place.
3. Carpeting In
4.Painted? Weather and time pending (not necessary)
5. We have all holes sealed up and we can sleep in it
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Stripper Pole
For everyone else, Please encourage her to keep posting and lower herself down to our level.
Samuel Schroeder
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
2?! Are You Kidding Me?!
I respect Sam Schroeder
I respect you and your contributions to BAMF =) It looks real good from the pictures and i can't wait to actually see it in person!!...
Great Job Boys!
Kelsey =)
Reply To Free Wood (Sexual)
free wood
General Update
1) Furniture is possibly found. We will see how it goes. Supposedly there are people that are going to get the furniture before I do since I can not pick it up till the weekend. However, he is most likely bull shitting us so he can get our 40 bucks. The guy is supposed to call back if he still has them.
2) Nate found shingles for our roof and all we need now is that paper that goes under them. This should not be hard to get. We only need a little bit.
3) After the shitty as hell work weekend, of course the weather has been dry and warm. What the hell? After working in the monsoon this sucks. However there are some advantages. The structure is going to become even more sturdy as the mud the posts are in settles and dries. It is going to almost be natural concrete. This worked out really well actually. Also, hopefully the lakes will clear. lol Of course, when is the next predicted rainfall? This work weekend. Fuck.
4) I want to personally welcome as president of BAMF 2 Clete Stechschulte to the BAMF online team. Cletus, welcome.
5) You better get pumped for another fun-filled weekend of construction.
Supplies are Coming Together
I Found Balls!
More Wood (not sexual)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Furniture Possibly Found!
Weekend Number 2
Weekend Number Two is coming up soon again. I am thinking all day work Saturday. I linked the weather forecast below. It looks like rain but it can't be worse then last weekend!
We hope to finish the main strucure and begin working inside. We hope to have in at least one window, the door, and stairs.
Joke #2
A guy walks into a bar carrying a 18" alligator.
The bartender says, "What do think you're doing? Get that god damn thing out of here. I don't allow pets in my establishment".
The guy trys to explain. "Look he won't cause any trouble. He's well trained and I'll prove it". He then proceeds to put the alligator on the bar and says, "open". The alligator open its mouth and you can see all of its razor sharp teeth. "Now watch this", he says and proceeds to remove his penis through his zipper and lays his balls gently onto the alligator's teeth. He then orders a beer and proceeds to drink it. All the while the alligator keeps its mouth open and nothing happens.
After finishing the beer the man gently removes his penis and puts it back into his pants. He then says, "close" and the alligator closes its mouth.
"You see he is perfectly trained. He would do that for anybody. Does anyone want to try?" After looking around he finally here a drunk whose sitting at table say "Sure I'd like to try. But I don't know if I can keep my mouth open that long."
We Have New Writers
WE WANT YOU TO WRITE FOR US!!! We want you to help write for the official BAMF blog. We want to hear your opinions and chit-chat. Please contact current writer's Sam, Cory, Mike, Charles, or Kelsey for sign up. The best way to contact us would most likely be via Facebook.
Q: What would I write about if I did ask to write for you guys?
A: You can really write about anything. Let us know how you feel about BAMF. If you do not have anything to say about that then screw it! It does not even have to be BAMF 2 related. You can tell a joke, share a story, or give an opinion for example!
Q: How bad do you want me to write for you?
A: We will do anything short of intercourse for you to write for us.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Reply to the Reply
Reply to 4
So let's get this straight Cory. Don't get me wrong at all, I am totally in support of the idea. your first act as Head of Health and Safety is to creat a pit of syringes and snakes? Lol...IRONY. O well Cory, I support you Bad Ass Mother Fucking ideas...
O yeah, and for THAT guy who gave us a 4...fuck off.
Another Promotion Given! +More Pics

Fire/Stripper Pole
Long Screws
Pics on Face (book)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Workday Number 1
Today's workday went very well. We were able to get even more wood. With this new wood we were able to construct both the floor and two of the walls. There are six planks holding up the structure. Remember, we are building the cabin about five feet above ground. This was indeed an obstacle but we have made the flooring very secure. Also the walls are going to be eight feet high which means the ceiling is going to be that high as well. That is the standard ceiling height of an regular household ceiling! It is begining to look really good. We will have some pictures posted soon on this website.
In my professional opinion, I think that we are about half way done with the actual physical part of the cabin. This is GREAT for just one long day of work. How long was our day you may ask? Well as scheduled, we worked almost nonstop from 12-9:30. We are all very worn out and I am really to tired right now to finish this post. Lol.
Well there really is a lot to talk about now that construction has started. We are having a short work day tommorow. We plan on working a 12-5:00 shift. We hope to get the final amount of wood, finish the walls, and ideally start the roof. We likely will not be able to finish the roof, even though that would be nice. If we COULD finish the roof, then we would have a place to store our contruction junk. The next work day will most likely be next weekend, after we finish up for the week tommorow.
Again, I really do appreciate you all coming back to check out the status on BAMF. It is nice to see that I am not writing all this stuff for nothing. It hard because I think the other writers have just stopped posting so I hope they will begin again. Otherwise, a few more may be hired.
I want to give honarable mentions of the day to Nathan Birkemier. Nathan stepped up beyond the call of duty with both ideas and physical labor. We here wish to give him our gratitude for what he has done today. Do not get me wrong, the other workers were great, but this man went beyond the call of duty. Without him we would not have gotten near as far as we got today.
-Samuel S.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Starry Eyed Suprise
This will most likely be the last update till we let you know how the build day goes.
Okay, so it is 2:00AM on Friday night (note blog times are wrong) and the moon is out along with the stars. The weather is much colder then today was but, as far as right now the weather is clear!!! According to my sources, the chance of rain for tommorow has been lowered from 50 percent as forcasted juust hours ago, to THIRTY percent. This means that the BAMF Cabin build crew will be a whole 20 percent less wet!! Hopefully that too means that they will be 20 percent less muddy.
I also wanted to mention that our main wood that we will be using has been purchased. We still hope to remain in budget. According to our financial advisors, it is going to be close. Another purchase of note is the two endtables that executive Charles Koch and myself ganked on the way home from Findlay early this afternoon. They are actually somewhat nice end table and will be a fine addition to the Bamf Cabin decor.
Thank you all for your support and help wish for no rain.
Later daters,
Friday, April 11, 2008
Quick Update
Tommorow's forecast looks realy shitty so the crew is going to be working in some bad weather. There is a 50 percent chance of rain all day and it is supposed to feel like 35 degrees all day. Please do not get discouraged. Although the weather may be a set back, we will precede in all activities regardless.
Also, due to the weather we are now starting at noon, not one.
Hello Facebook-ers
What you are looking at is a 'blog' of the news going on with BAMF 2. It is hard to keep it a secret anymore, BAMF is starting early!!! The construction crews are setting a goal for completion for Mother's Day weekend. Its still unsure of whether this is a possible goal or not. I suppose we will see.
Anywho, how this whole BLOG thing works. There are four gentlemen writing for this Blog-Cory, Charles, Mike, and myself (Sam). What you are seeing is the main screen with just a couple of the most recent post. However there are more post that may be connected with pictures and links explaining what is going on. For example, check out the side 'BLOG ARCHIVES' located on the right hand side of your screen. If you were to click on 'Blackprint' there are some images of what BAMF may look like. This is just an example for you too see how to look through post.
Your feedback is crucial to the construction of BAMF. If you would like to officially write for this blog, which I strongly encourage, let me know. Otherwise, I have made it so everyone is able to leave feedback on our comments so I encourage you to do that also. We would like any agreements, disagreement, and ideas to add on to the comments that we post. I thank you for taking the time to do this for us.
The Bamf Online Team,
Sam Mike Charles Cory
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Parking Lot
Reply to Pit-O-Balls
Countdown to Build
Just to let you know there is EXACTLY two days until build day. Quite exciting. Anways, just a quick update on the countdown. Also, we are considering modifing Saturday's hour by hour schedule We are considering in going to the Lumber yard on Friday afternoon so that constuction is ready. Who knows though. . .
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Not a Tree House
Public Relations

New Authors are Magurting on the BAMF Blog
Very Excited
Rumors are true, BAMF will start early!
New Administrators Hired for BAMF
Michael Schroeder - Cheif Engineer and Cofounder
Kelsey Darbyshire- First Lady
Charles Koch- Public Relations
Tim Riemund- First Black Person in BAMF
Cory Meuleman- Biggest BAMF
Clete Steck- Co-Public Relations and Cheif Interior Design
Nathan Birkemier- Whitest Person in BAMF
Congratulations to all appointed and to those who did not make it. . .hope for BAMF 3 I suppose.