Monday, April 21, 2008

Going Green for the Enviroment!!!!

You may have noticed that the text color is a little vibrant right now. Why? Because we here on the Bamf Blog support the environment. BAMF was constructed with the environment in mind. How can we support the enviroment if we built the whole thing out of wood? The answer to this question is that we did not use any wood that came from a rainforest or something. No, we used the shitty, most likely dead, rotting wood sold by our local hardware! Thanks Carter's!!!!! Not. EVEN if we COULD afford the high roller's wood, we would definatly feel bad using it (even though we would). Also, to help our enviroment, we are going to reduce the amount of nails we throw in the lake behind Bamf. In addition to these acts, we are going to try to stop throwing rocks at the annoying-ass frogs that come out at night.

Enviromentally Friendly,

1 comment:

knutsen23 said...

Your magurting the forest! That is not environmentally friendly! That forest was meant for animals and birds. Now it is being magurted by some undergraduate lazy persons!

Environmentally yours, TEAMKORY